Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rockstar Uproar Tour!

yesterdays Rockstar Uproar Tour was amazing. It was fifty five dollars a ticket and worth every penny. The first band started at three and the first four bands started outside and the last four were in the Colosseum. The atmosphere was very fun, everyone was having a good time and I didn't see a single fight while I was there. The first band airbourne started at three but I didn't make it until the next band new medicine which even though they aren't a big name band yet I think they will be someday, they were awesome. next was hail to the villain and they also put on a great show even though they aren't as big of a band as some of the others they were very good and played to the crowd which always makes for a good show. Then to finish off the outside bands there was the super band HellYeah. they are just plain amazing. every member of that band is amazing at what they do and really know how to get the crowd going crazy. After HellYeah everyone made there way inside for the last four bands. The inside show started with the band halestorm. this band I think is better live then on radio which is something you dont see often so they put on a good show. next was the band Stonesour with singing legend Corey Taylor. These guys were awesome as always. they never fail to put on a good show. After them was Avenged Sevenfold. Even with the death of there drummer james the rev sullivan not too long ago who was a drumming god they still managed to put on an amazing show. Mixing it up with songs from there new and old albums they got the crowd going crazy with moshpits from wall to wall. Last band, the headliner Disturbed is another band i find better live then on the radio. they did some stuff from there new albums and ofcourse there hit songs from there first couple albums and they put on an amazing show even though i have already seen them before not once during there performance was I even a little bored. All in all it was an amazing show and i really hope they decide to do this tour again next year.